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Tweets by 2023 EWRI Congress
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Zagona, Edith
University of Colorado Boulder
Deep Aquifer Modeling within an Operations and Planning Decision Support Tool on the Rio Grande River, New Mexico
Edith Zagona
Optimizing Hydropower Reservoirs with Limited Flexibility on the Columbia River
Edith Zagona
Zambon, Renato
University of Sao Paulo
Marginal cost of energy volatility in the Brazilian Interconnected Power System
Renato Zambon
Zaremba, Gerald
Villanova University
Green Infrastructure in Tight Spaces: Use of Gabion Mattresses in Urban Green Infrastructure Projects
Gerald Zaremba
Lessons Learned from Measuring and Monitoring Water Quantity Performance of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments
Gerald Zaremba
Zaslavsky, Ilya
San Diego Supercomputer Center/UC San Diego
Resilient Transboundary Water Management through Water, Social, Systems, and Data Sciences
Ilya Zaslavsky
Zauscher, Elias
North Carolina State University
An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Simulate the Performance of Hybrid Water Systems and Rainwater Micro-trading
Elias Zauscher
Zeff, Harrison
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discovering key tradeoffs and consequential vulnerabilities for robust water supply investment partnerships under deep uncertainty
Harrison Zeff
Using two-way option contracts to facilitate temporal water re-allocation during drought
Harrison Zeff
Zeidan, Mohamad
Adopting The Tesla Valve as A Transient Protection Device
Mohamad Zeidan
Laceration of Pipeline Inner Walls Using Unsteady Skin Friction
Mohamad Zeidan
Zellner, Moira
Northeastern University
Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Modeling, Planning, and Design: A Synthesis of Resources for Watershed Stakeholders
Moira Zellner
Zeng, Jie
South Florida Water Management District
Application of 3D CFD Modeling to Improve Calibration of 2D Hydraulic Model
Jie Zeng
Zeng, Ruijie
Arizona State University
Assessing Irrigation Water Withdrawal Changes in the US during 1981-2015: the Spatial Temporal Trends and Causes
Ruijie Zeng
Zhang, Harry
Advancing Watershed Modeling for Total Maximum Daily Load and Holistic Watershed Management Including Climate Change Impacts
Harry Zhang
Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Modeling, Planning, and Design: A Synthesis of Resources for Watershed Stakeholders
Harry Zhang
Zhang, Hua
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Investigating environmental justice in stormwater utility fees at the parcel scale using an unmanned aircraft systems and machine learning.
Hua Zhang
Zhang, Jie
Carollo Engineers
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Nozzles Spacing and Outlet Locations on Mixing in Circular Water Storage Tank
Jie Zhang
Impact of Monitoring Strategy on Disinfection Performance Evaluation: A Case Study
Jie Zhang
Zhang, Lan
2D floodplain and floodway analysis and mapping: advantages and challenges
Lan Zhang
Pluvial Flood Hazard Estimation - Data Gaps in Meteorological Statistical Estimates and Tools for Practicing Engineers
Lan Zhang
Zhang, Wei
Zynnovation LLC
Salt: The Opioid of Low Impact Developments
Wei Zhang
Stresses on the Vegetation in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Wei Zhang
Zhang, Yan
Hydraulics and Waterways General Session
Yan Zhang
Impact of Dimensionality of Hydrodynamic Forcing on Coastal Sediment Transport Modeling using PTM
Yan Zhang
Scour Estimation at Offshore Wind Farms: Notes from Europe and Implications for the Eastern United States
Yan Zhang
Zhang, Yanyan
New Mexico State University
Bioremediation of groundwater impacted by selenium and chromium
Yanyan Zhang
Zhang, Yaoxin
University of Mississippi
Development of a 1D Model to Simulate Overland Flow on 2D Complex Domains
Yaoxin Zhang
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Water Quality Constituents in a Natural Lake in the Mississippi Delta
Yaoxin Zhang
Urban Flood Simulation
Yaoxin Zhang
Zhang, Yinan
University of Arizona
The impact of climate mitigation strategies on localized flooding
Yinan Zhang
Zhang, Zhonglong
Portland State University
Advancing Watershed Modeling for Total Maximum Daily Load and Holistic Watershed Management Including Climate Change Impacts
Zhonglong Zhang
Zhao, Qiankun
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Operation rules and patterns for 450+ large reservoirs in the Contiguous United States
Qiankun Zhao
Zheng, Lin
Rutgers University
Impacts of Land Cover, Rainfall Intensity, Subsoil Hydraulic Conductivity and Depth to Groundwater Table on Initial Abstraction, Infiltration, Runoff and SCS-Curve Number
Lin Zheng
Zheng, Qianjin
University of Texas at Arlington
Quantifying human alterations of floodplains across the world's major river basins
Qianjin Zheng
The first continuous floodplain depth maps for the United States
Qianjin Zheng
Zheng, Zihan
ZJU-UIUC Institute, International Campus, Zhejiang University
Optimization of Urban Water Supply Planning for a Mid-sized City in the Yangtze River Delta
Zihan Zheng
Zhong, Wen
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Investigating environmental justice in stormwater utility fees at the parcel scale using an unmanned aircraft systems and machine learning.
Wen Zhong
Zhou, Jianpeng
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Effects of Key Water Quality Parameters on Lead Leaching from Water Service Pipelines
Jianpeng Zhou
Zhou, Jianyu
ZJU-UIUC Institute, International Campus, Zhejiang University
Optimization of Urban Water Supply Planning for a Mid-sized City in the Yangtze River Delta
Jianyu Zhou
Zhou, Xin
Morgan State University
Relative Sea Level Trends before 1992 in the 21st century from Seven GPS-paired Tide Gauge Records along the Coast of the Chesapeake Bay
Xin Zhou
The 21st Century Relative Sea Level Rise in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Xin Zhou
Zhukova, Olena
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
The scientific basis for predicting the migration processes of fertilizers and pollutants in the saturated-unsaturated media on irrigated lands and adjacent areas.
Olena Zhukova
Zhu, Tingju
ZJU-UIUC Institute, International Campus, Zhejiang University
Optimization of Urban Water Supply Planning for a Mid-sized City in the Yangtze River Delta
Tingju Zhu
Zivkovich, Brik
Mile High Flood District
Monitoring a Non-Perennial Stream in a Semi-Arid Rangeland Slated for Development
Brik Zivkovich
Reexamining Runoff Coefficients for Evolving Land Uses
Brik Zivkovich
Zobeidi, Tahereh
University of Zanjan
Introducing a Novel Hybrid Agent-Based Framework for Simulating Adoption of Residential Water Conservation Behaviors
Tahereh Zobeidi
Psychosocial Determinants Affecting Individuals' Voluntary Engagement in Water Conservation Behaviors
Tahereh Zobeidi