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Tweets by 2023 EWRI Congress
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Jackson, Donald
Lafayette College
Innovation in Hydraulic Design: John S. Eastwood and the Multiple Arch Dam, 1908-1924
Donald Jackson
Two California Dams: A Comparison of M.M. O’Shaughnessy's Hetch Hetchy Dam and William Mulholland's St. Francis Dam
Donald Jackson
Jacobson, Dale
DD Consulting
Water Resources Challenges in Latin America
Dale Jacobson
Jacyna, Jennifer
EWRI 101
Jennifer Jacyna
Jahan, Samira
West Virginia University
Ecohydrological Controls of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Wetlands across the Globe.
Samira Jahan
Jain, Karnesh
University of Alabama
Enhancing the streamflow prediction capability of the National Water Model for predicting future streamflow in a coastal Alabama watershed
Karnesh Jain
Jamison, Logan
University of Utah
Extending the Decision-Making Lead time of Municipal Water System Management through Teleconnections and Novel Methods for Estimating Supply and Demand
Logan Jamison
Jane, Robert
University of Central Florida
Advances in quantifying the compound flood hazard in South Florida
Robert Jane
Where land meets the ocean: compound flood risk and transition zones along U.S. coastal rivers
Robert Jane
Janke, Benjamin
University of Minnesota
Investigating Remediation Strategies for Urban Stormwater Ponds Exporting Phosphorus
Benjamin Janke
Jaykrishnan, G
Optimal Booster Chlorination Scheduling in WDS under uncertainty: A Robust counterpart approach
G Jaykrishnan
Jenewein, Oswald
University of Texas at Arlington
Psychosocial Determinants Affecting Individuals' Voluntary Engagement in Water Conservation Behaviors
Oswald Jenewein
Smart Cities designed by Smart Communities: An Engaged Approach to Develop a Sociotechnical Network on Flooding, Air and Water Quality.
Oswald Jenewein
Jeng-Bulloch, Kathlie
City of Huntsville, Texas
EWRI Friends Visit London Water & Steam Museum and Union Chain Bridge- IHCEL
Kathlie Jeng-Bulloch
Urban Drainage Standard Committee
Kathlie Jeng-Bulloch
Jeon, Minsu
Kongju National University
Effectiveness of Automatic Monitoring Sensors for Predicting Stormwater Quality in a Low Impact Development System
Minsu Jeon
Evaluation of constructed wetlands for the treatment of diffuse pollutants from various sources: A case in South Korea
Minsu Jeon
Jerez, Lesmes A.
Villanova University
Evaluating stream health across watersheds with varying degrees of development using physical, chemical, and biological indicators
Lesmes A. Jerez
Jesmani, Nona
*** CANCELLED *** Technical Workshop: Application of BIOWIN in Water Reclamation Facility
Nona Jesmani
Jett, Arin
Southern Methodist University
Temporal Variation of Microplastics in Urban Freshwater Runoff
Arin Jett
Jiang, Menglin
University of Notre Dame
Controlling Smart Water Distribution System using Model Predictive Control Algorithm
Menglin Jiang
Jimenez, Joel
City of LA
The New Headworks Odor Control BioTrickling Filter Project: Performance Data and Operations & Maintenance Challenges at Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant in City of Los Angeles, California
Joel Jimenez
Jin, Lixin
The University of Texas at El Paso
High-resolution evapotranspiration mapping of arid pecan orchard using aerial remote sensing data
Lixin Jin
Multiple-scale sensor and remote sensing technology to quantify abiotic carbon dioxide emission in irrigated soils of aridlands
Lixin Jin
Ji, Wei
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Natural and Built Environment School of Science and Engineering, The University of Missouri – Kansas City
Assessment of Urban Flood Vulnerability: A case study of flood hazard in Kansas City, Missouri
Wei Ji
Jiyoung, Sung
Dankook University
Dams inflow frequency analysis by non-exceedance percentiles using bivariate copula model.
Sung Jiyoung
Ji, Yuting
Auburn University
Virtual Lab for Drainage Structure Simulations
Yuting Ji
Johnson, Abbey
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
An Exploration of Nutrient Management Case Studies to Assess the Impacts of BMPs
Abbey Johnson
High-resolution evapotranspiration mapping of arid pecan orchard using aerial remote sensing data
Abbey Johnson
Multiple-scale sensor and remote sensing technology to quantify abiotic carbon dioxide emission in irrigated soils of aridlands
Abbey Johnson
Johnson, Michael
Buck, Seifert & Jost, Inc.
Impacts on the Curve Number Runoff Hydrology due to Changes on the Initial Abstraction Ratio in the Mississippi Delta
Michael Johnson
Variability of the Initial Abstraction Ratio and Curve Number Estimations
Michael Johnson
Johnson, Ryan
Alabama Water Institute
Extending the Decision-Making Lead time of Municipal Water System Management through Teleconnections and Novel Methods for Estimating Supply and Demand
Ryan Johnson
Urbanization Intensifies Drought Effect on Great Salt Lake Water Level Reduction
Ryan Johnson
Johnston, I. Bailey
Real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance of urban water networks using digital twins
I. Bailey Johnston
Technical Workshop: Building the Next Generation of Intelligent Urban Water Systems: A Hands-on Workshop on Digital Twin-based Solutions
I. Bailey Johnston
Joksimovic, Darko
Toronto Metropolitan University, Civil Engineering
Investigation of innovative systems for stormwater management within roadways
Darko Joksimovic
Jones, Benjamin
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Analysis of permafrost evolution under a thermokarst lake based on the Euler-Lagrange equation
Benjamin Jones
Jones, Rachel
Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources
Dynamic Watershed Restoration Prioritization and Project Identification in Gwinnett County, Georgia
Rachel Jones
Jung, Donghwi
Korea University
Introduction of Heatmap for Applications in Water Distribution Network
Donghwi Jung
Mass Balance and Pressure Integrated Model for Burst Detection and Localization in Water Distribution Networks
Donghwi Jung
Jun, Sanghoon
Korea University
Introduction of Heatmap for Applications in Water Distribution Network
Sanghoon Jun
Mass Balance and Pressure Integrated Model for Burst Detection and Localization in Water Distribution Networks
Sanghoon Jun