Associate Professor The University of Texas at Austin
This is hybrid meeting will take place at the Green Valley Ranch Resort in Henderson, NV on Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Pacific Time.
You may also participate on Zoom located below.
Water distribution systems analysis (WDSA) involves the quantitative planning, design, operations, management, modeling, and monitoring of hydraulics and water quality of water distribution systems. The purpose of the committee is to provide coordination for all activities within EWRI related to the field of water distribution systems analysis. Activities include (but are not limited to): organization of sessions at EWRI conferences and standalone conferences; generation of papers and monographs; development and promotion of industry-wide WDSA standards and guidelines; support for the productive sharing of WDSA computational algorithms and models; and encouraging communication among all sectors of the water field involved in WDSA.
Meeting ID: 938 4887 1778 One tap mobile +13462487799,,93848871778# US (Houston) +16694449171,,93848871778# US
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